Category: All Happening Now

If you look down the sidebar of this blog, you will see a red widget that I posted, circa 2017, about a “Red Alert” to restoring “Net Neutrality”, also copied below.

I begin this post with a hearty, “Yay!” and Congratulations!  Maybe the FCC saw my blog post and sidebar about New Neutrality; ya think? Probably not. Oh well…but this is a great development.

All of this wouldn’t have been necessary, in the first place if the professional representatives, politicians and a wannabe dictator asked the experts about this stuff before they legislate?  I mean, ask people like me who have lived in the radio/TV broadcasting world since the 1970s, when the FCC was not a politicized entity!? Here is a list of all the FCC Commissioners since its inception in the mid-1930s

For further understanding, reference the repeal of “The Fairness Doctrine” under Ronald Reagan in 1987, which was a total bullshit decision by the “Soupgreen Court”.  See “the more things change the more they stay the same.”

Well, they voted to restore it yesterday!  As a broadcaster who came of age and got my first FCC Third Class license – sadly no longer required to be on the air – when Benjamin Hooks was the commissioner of a (then) non-partisan Federal Communications Commission, I’ve watched this rather closely and was particularly disappointed when the illegitimate “President”, tRump repealed this neutrality – a business he had no business getting into – primarily because it came unto being during President Obama’s administration.   

What this means is that, for one thing, now we can be united in resuming the growth of togetherness online that was happening just before the Corona Virus hit the world. This also makes the inet providers more accountable to The People (consumers like you and me) for sudden outages and thereby making a must, stronger network security which in-turn safeguards the fastest download speeds possible and requires more security for our data out in cyberspace!

Pop a champagne bottle and hoist a toast to celebrate please, while you simultaneously write a “Thank You” note to the current FCC Chairman, your local legislators and (maybe) President Biden!  Beware yee who are younger than me, but addicted to the internet versus the telephone, do not agree to a “contract” from a monopoly [an entity which has few or NO competitors for your dollars] company!

Let no subsequent ruling put asunder.


Your comments are welcome.

As always, I invite you to flash over to my vinyl music-only satellite blog,

You’ve heard it previously:  “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”   I apply it to the recent happenings in the middle-eastern countries, where there are too many, too close together, who speak derivatives of the same language and are fighting biblical “wars” over and over again.  It will never stop.   As witness to my point of logic, I present this NYT article by renowned columnist and political analyst, David Brooks, which I recently discovered while de-cluttering papers into a new metal file cabinet.






To this day, Mr. Brooks’ headline, sadly still rings true. As for how I found this January, 2006 article? Due to doing a de-cluttering thing this year, because as single, no family to speak of, and at an age where “legacy” is important, you don’t want things lying around which could misconstrue mine. That is another blog post.

Now, look at the map of the “middle east” and all of it’s countries sandwiched together. See that little red dot? That is Israel, I think! How in the hell can they survive amongst hostile neighbors and (without getting into the biblicalities) how did they end up there? IMO, the USA should stay out of it; stop sending money for Israel to buy weapons of war – but of course, that is a political gambit, do to the many here with relations there.

Pick Hit: I’ve been complimented, “JimiB, you’ve done some great things in your life!

Humbly taking that to heart and marinating upon it, I decided that I want whoever finds my eventual remains be able to easily celebrate and share my legacy positively and educationally.  Maybe it is high-time that the Middle-Eastern countries de-clutter!

Dear Uncle Sam: (at least that is how I was taught to address you), What happened to you, man? It seems that no news broadcast, nor mail to my postal mailbox ever recognizes you anymore! Are you still our “uncle” or have you died and passed your legacy on to your nieces and nephews? If so, who are they and how can we keep supporting your vision, in your legacy’s name?

I’ve been following our Presidential elections since Kennedy v Nixon, remembering Eisenhower fading back into his private life with class. Why doesn’t his kind of gracious pugnaciousness happen nowadays?

Is this how shallow our public servant talent pool is now that there is NO class nor opportunities for the electorate to see men of dignity and choose class over sass?  Who is going to put a stop to this freakish generation who cannot solve a minor disagreement without displaying a weapon of death instead of discussing and resolving? These are numbskulls with no Home Training who have access to guns with runaway stupidity! This mental illness must be stopped and not with the laissez-faire treatment which became vogue in the 1980s and till recent times. When we have a nut-case, they must be removed from the general population! Not coddled and released to terrorize the normal populace again! I know from whence I speak by dint of my mom being a Special Education teacher and manager at New York City’s Creedmore Mental Institution and similar psycho places during her career and the stories shoe told at our nightly dinner table.

We deserve much better choices for President.   Why do we currently only have these two retread options for President in 2024?  One is too old for the job and the other is too criminally indicted, egotistical and corrupt, who never had the CLASS to, like every other Presidential candidate who fell short has done in this country, to concede to his opponent when he lost the last time four years ago.  That right there should disqualify him in most American minds, from another try! His giant ego will not stop tormenting him!

It’s enough to make me want to vote like we did back in the 1970s: by not voting! Yet, too many have suffered too much to get the right to vote in America, for us to hand them that kind of victory. What happened to the Nominating Conventions which ultimately decided who would be the standard-bearer for all of the parties; I mean the two “major” parties and even the Independent, Libertarian, Socialist, Communist, et al parties? There was no “presumptive nominee” – the dust had to settle after the Conventions – until around Labor Day. So, News Directors, stop rushing s*** please!

Are the “MAGA” conspiracy theorists correct, when they imply that who is going to run is already “fixed” or preordained, and that there is no such thing as “We The People” choosing candidates anymore? We know otherwise than the cult.

*PickHitt: Another help for the republic, IMO, would to re-institute the military conscription or ‘the draft’, because that one act alone would encourage young men of all stripes to either enroll into higher education communities (get smarter and get the “gun thing” out of their systems) or fight for our country overseas with real live fire coming back at them!

Now that we are at the middle of February/”Black History Month” and approaching the fifty-ninth anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X in Harlem, I am moved to share this update.

I remember when I was a boy of less than ten years, coming along at the tail-end of the times of “Colored Only” entrances in American public buildings. It is hard to believe that was once the rule of the day.

Riding with my parents as they drove up to New England, and seeing them wait to (not) get served at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant; the waitress walking by us as if we were not there, and mom and dad leaving after a while in silent frustration.  This was in Massachusetts, not Alabama!!

Nowadays, I watch black Americans, much younger than I, re-segregate themselves, choosing to only go to the places where other African Americans congregate, instead of enjoying what we overcame in the 1960s as a result of the efforts and sacrifices of Martin Luther King, Jr, H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Roy Innes, Angela Davis and other civil rights trailblazers. They able to go wherever pleases them, while not embracing integration.  

I came across this article among my newspaper clippings:

Many of these of the generation I speak of have the wrong mentality, in my opinion. 

We integrated American society which tried to keep us on the margins!  Do not backslide into that painfully negative era!  Many of you don’t or were not taught at the dinner table to “keep on pushin”, as the late singer/songwriter Curtis Mayfield once crooned, but know that as you re-segregate yourselves, we incrementally all lose the gains of unity fought four with true tears, blood, sweat and abuse.

Where I live, I am happy and blessed to be able to go anywhere I choose to, without being questioned or stopped; this wasn’t always the case for our race.  Now, granted, I carry myself via principle, word and deed with class and dignity, mixing via conversation with all manner of peoples, as longs as I don’t sense negativity or danger.  It is incumbent upon all of us to continue to socialize across racial lines because whether you realize it or not, we opened the doors for women’s rights, Latin American rights and other so-called “minorities within the “melting pot”!

Just be a person and not a color as much as possible.  Enjoy all genres of music, not just Hip Hop with its overuse of street curse word commonness – I almost can’t believe that I just wrote that, lol    You see I was an on-air radio disc jockey for over forty years and thereby hung-out with everyone “from freaks to famous” as the saying goes.  I wouldn’t want to live in a predominately black neighborhood – because may of “us” still haven’t had the kind of home training and educational embracing necessary to truly represent positivity, from the boardroom to the bedroom, without drugs and violence.

Don’t get it twisted, I am no Uncle Tom.  In-fact, I was one o f the most militant Brothers of my group during my university days of the early 1970s.  We grow mentally and physically, respecting Mother Nature and whatever other deity you desire and must maintain the integration advances that we gained, being ever-cognizant of individuals such as Donald Trump and his disciples, who don’t give a damn about us, getting into the President’s chair. 

I have gleaned that some of you might, but please Do NOT, vote for tRrump and his “MAGA” disciples! It would be criminal to do so. Do vote, though; third party RFK, Jr. is also an option. That’s enuff “politikin'” for now.

“Keep on Keepin’ ON.”

In-honor of Super Bowl LVIII, I’m jazzing the blog up with a couple of classic “Touchdown” songs from two of the genre’s giants, Bob James and Freddie Hubbard.

You may see my choices for best cutz below in red, which I wrote at the time in 1981 on the jacket! I still remember the Fantasy Promotion rep who I got my records from, up at the Columbus Circle tower, in Manhattan.

From inside the open-up jacket you can see Bob James’ musical mates on this superb super soundtrack bowl album!

The late, great trumpeter Freddie Hubbard, who I had the honor of interviewing back in 1994 for my radio show (still have the cassette!), from his 1979 “Splash” vinyl on Columbia Records, and keyboardist, arranger and producer, Bob James, from his 1978 aptly-named Columbia/Tappan Zee Records vinyl, “Touchdown”.  Thanks to YouTube, I can timely share them with you.

Th-th-th-th-th-thatz all folks!! Enjoy the game! Cheers!

Happy New Year 2024 to all of my faithful readers! You know, I only read over the Holidays that there are really people like you who have read my musings regularly, lo these many years. For that, I apologize for being so saliently silent in recent months and humbly Thank youz. Sometimes, a “writer” gets tired of posting his or her writings, I think. Juxtapose that with the original encouragement to “blog” was that I would “make money” doing so (not a damned penny since 2009, which I may repeat again in this one) and you have the answer to my words of silence.

First I want to address this: let’s get rid of uneducated conspiracy theory-based nonsense posts on #socialmedia early in this year 2024.  If unsure, we encourage those not “in the know” to go back to school and take some classes, or to the library and check out some books to read or/and if you are illiterate, take a reading course so you can coach yourself UP educationally on the facts of our past, present and possible futures.

Secondly, IMO, if so-many babies hadn’t made babies for the past three or four decades and more families had both and at least an high school diploma educated father AND mother under the same roof, then #misinformation of the kind prevalent online these days wouldn’t have had a chance to take a foothold among intelligent popular culture!  There is still time to reverse that trend and the time has come in this leap year, 2024. 

To take it home, let us (pray and) jump right into to some of my recent spontaneity, which has annoyed or at least bothered me a bit on some nights when I am just trying to fall asleep late in 2023 and hereafter…

People are becoming less communicative, in the traditional sense and this is due to the internet, for sure.  I loved to still write Christmas cards this season and mail to my select group of “VIP” acquaintances and friends.  I do so without any requirement that they respond in-kind – or at all. 

  It’s a family tradition passed into me by my mother. yes, I did receive some cards in-return.

And speaking of communication…

I’ve also become slightly weary of all the “passwords” I am required to remember, even when I am on a helpful site like that of my attorney, doctor or another friendly one created for romance recently needed.  Is it just me, guys, but it makes surmise, because last time I kept track, I only used three passwords for less than ten (10) sites for many years since 2000.  Now, it seems that number has exploded! 

Sure, I dig typing on the computer, but I still print what I write, so as to professionally proofread (and write corrections on it in red pen like my teachers would) before finalizing my “wordcasts” by pressing “save”. 

I am SO pissed off at having to put all these goddam Passwords into everything I do online now.

What I suspect is that now many of the places I used to innocently use as social media (which I am very tired of now) and other innocuous sites I used to promote my books or other creative endeavors, now have caught the paranoia bug, i.e. “protect yourselves from hackers, et al!” and just built in that wall against their initial users, once-again catching dolphins in the shark net.  It is very annoyingly sad!  I bet many of you, my readers feel similarly!  What are we to do about it.  Nobody needs more headaches in life, and surely not more of those from the virtual side of our lives.  My impression is to strongly maintain the “analog” (traditional) ways of your life, while using the digital (virtual) side as sparingly as you can for as long as you live!

Now for some fun “Sexual Healing” (props to the late Marvin Gaye!).

Often… the term “suck my dick” comes to my mind.  Why?  Because it is the first sexual term that I ever heard in grade school! Or…maybe I don’t ‘get enough’…

I remember coming home from school that day – Junior High 216, Queens, I think – and asking my parents what it meant, as I was eating my dinner in the dining room and how they looked at one another quizzically.  That must have been when, in the days that soon followed, I found a stack of books on the table about puberty, etc when I came home from school, lol  I guess Dad wasn’t up to giving me the “birds and bees” talk.  Asking my mom why he didn’t, decades later, her reply was “Well, he didn’t know!”  To that then I said, “When how did I get here??” Like a reverse Art Linkletter book I’d update to read, Parents Say The Dardenst Things.” During my Nashville, Tennessee days as a gentleman’s club DJ, working the “day shift”, one of the lovely dancers befriended me and sometimes she would express her frustrations by saying, in her fun and southern twangy way, “Well suck my DICK!”  To which I’d reply, “Really?  You got one of those??”   Of course, she did not, it was a hilarious exchange between co-workers and just another means of appropriate spontaneous expression!

“SMD” is better than “I’ll be damned” IMO, because I don’t want to be damned (or darned) …but I could use a good blow job from time-to time!

Even ladies I meet while socializing, do not hit me back when I give them my biz card. I learned from a female friend of many years that it is “pretentious” to give a woman I meet my card unless we’d been talking business. In my mind, was the business of getting her back to my fabulous house for “the tour of my music library”. 

I now believe they (women I meet) are more likely to do so, if you let them offer to/ask them to use the damned smartphone to share numbers, and that is really differently incredible to me! ‘Makes me feel like a oldster for the first time, and it just happened on this past New Year’s Eve night!  That is where I messed-up, I guessed-up, with a gorgeous, tall lady in a tight black mini-skirt dress named (I think) Chris or Christine (I challenge you to remember a new name immediately).  Its strange with my silly at times, romantic mind, that I cannot come up with more interesting one-liners in the heat of meeting passion, outside of the walls of my home. Yes, still sometimes shy, after all of these years.

*Last Call!” Our stars who we grew up loving are noticeably dying off.  Not talking about those who went too soon like Prince or Michael Jackson, but premature deaths of the seemingly healthy in my generation like my beloved Irene Cara or Suzanne Somers, who were not in their eighties or beyond. Yikes! I surmise that, in-reality it is all about our inherited genes regarding longevity.  ‘Til next time, take good care and “keep on Keepin’ ON!”

There was a time when “all your Exes lived in Texas” and do you remember the TV game show, “The Hollywood Squares”? Sometimes, “X” would get the square!

Well guys, the rich MUSKrat got it twisted gain. Instead of renaming my beloved and formerly useful (to promote my books and music), Twitter correctly, or continuing to use the very apt logo bird, he renamed it with incorrect nomenclature.

Maybe in South Africa, where was apparently “educated”, they grade tests upside-down. After all, it is close to the original “down under”, Australia.

Here is the best and simple example from his recent history of Musk’s errant take-overs:

Instead of using a check mark,

which denotes a right or correct answer in all academic circles, he uses the symbol of a wrong answer, the “X” or cross-out! Just another reason that this original Twitter user since 2011 [me] is now a former Twitter user, now that it has become so “musky”. He’s for the birds!

Dictation 2023

I dictate into the Android phone often, especially as a self professed “writer” I cannot put pen to paper – like when I’m almost asleep or awaken in the middle of the night with a bright idea – because its the modern replacement for those hand-held Panasonic recorders we used to use for the same. So, I finally tried this long-awaited “talk-to-text” feature on my laptop! Was excited. Gibberish is the result and I still have to proofread/edit what came out! Back then in August, one of my two laptops suddenly dies and I write a poem about something like that too. It was the HP and I’d had it since 2017, which is about the life of today’s “convenient” devices. Yeah, I’m a two gun gunslinger. I must have two laptops: one for music and the other for content creation. “Words N Musik “, my latest slogan!

Now to address another modern service decline. Yes we do live in the greatest country in the world but services have gotten pretty lax too often, the result, IMO, of internet “convenience” and less home training at the nightly dinner table, for too long. Possibly related: these “big box” (what does that even mean? lol)outlets like Amazon, promise stuff and then its like pulling teeth to get them to deliver your order as-promised! If you want to go the traditional “cash and carry” route, in many instances, suddenly the items you want to buy are “not available” or “not in stock” via that method. They lie and why? Yes, services have become slow or pretty fucked-up!

As the historic pioneers and navigators would say, “X”…marks the spot, and now Mastadon [social] is the place to be for communications similar to pre-Elon meddling and we who still love the former Twitter-Tweeting concept.


These someplaces like Amazon, which is a big old, don’t care about the little people monopolistic wannabe entity may send you a come-on e-mail to try to assuage your excitement or fears about not getting timely delivered and then, when you’re trying to talk to a human being there, blood pressure rises and it becomes the antipathy of what commerce and buying things should be, here in “the future”,where convenience overrides common sense and traditional human-led accuracy.

Consumer Cellular

This company with the cool customer service adverts for smartphone plans, formerly “senior-friendly”, apparently now have succumbed to corporate greed and are no longerr helpful without a dun, even if your Android (which they sent to you; mine is a ZTE) suddenly has a small crack in the screen which, with every app-tap grew exponentially, until it became frightening spider-web-like, from an Alfred Hitchcock movie screen, due to no fault of the phone’s owner (like mine has)!

Consumer Cellular Sucx for Seniors” should be their new slogan.

Climate Change

We on the eastern coast of the United States, have been socked-in for a week under low-level cloudy skies. This is unprecedented in my recollections of weather as September turns to October and summer to Autumn. Where are the “cold” fronts that formerly swept these clouds out to sea? This week it took waay too long for the ghost of Ophelia and her long, flowing trains down the USA east coast to drift east over the Atlantic Ocean!

Normally, a front, originating up in Hudson Bay, Canada, would have produced a tail that stretched down almost to Florida, and its northeastern rotation would have produced the energy to move these clouds along days ago! Not this time and this, to my meteorological geek mind, is the real “climate change” – not so much “global warming”, in this scenario. Chaka Khan must be singing “Clouds” up and own the eastern seaboard!!

Shut Down

More posturing and swash-bucking and playing politics with The People’s money by “our” Congress and especially the mean extremists of today’s GOP. The GOP has always been the political party who would legislate upon the backs of those who can least afford it – even my elders said this decades ago! We’ve danced this dance before, so shut-UP about the shut down and GET DOWN to the business of helping every day Americans “make it”! . Come to think of it, maybe it should be the name of a new dance step! C’mon, lets all do “The Shut Down”! I can think of a music track or three to use…

Washington Football Team Misnomer

And finally, it came to me that there was a rush to rename the NFL’s Washington, D.C. franchise recently. A costly fumble, because I’ve felt that somehow, the Washington Redskins were pressured by unknown and hidden forces to change their nickname. I never saw any protesters videoed by the news of Native American Indians carrying signs proclaiming their offense at that iconic moniker. In any event, they got it wrong and shouldn’t have changed the name to the “Commanders”, which to me sounds kind of erotic… They should’ve just changed one consonant and the next three letters, to the Wierdskins! Say it out loud, “The Washington Wierdskins”...You see now that retains the same cadence and flavor of the original nickname, while not offending anybody because I think everybody can relate to some part their skin being weird – especially if you ever had acne, eczema, atopic dermatitis or a rash!

See ya in October! And remember to flash on over to my lonely, musik-only blog

Thanks a Million!

Spontaneous Miscellaneous, July 2023

Late-Breaking BULLETIN! Rest In Musical Peace, Mr. Tony Bennett. You are one of my all-time favorite crooners! Love what Johnny Mathis wrote about him on Facebook yesterday! More on Mr. “I Left My Heart In San Francisco”, from my record library and in my next blog soon to come!

SO sad “they” haven’t discovered a “cure” for death yet.

 So far only one firefly (we called them “lightning bugs” growing up) sighting thus far this summer!  Where have all the fireflies gone?  ‘Scared to learn the “why”…

So many things, so little time, as life unfolds, accelerates and unwinds.

This is my installment of my musings, pre and post the Fourth of July 2023. Hope as you who read this you had a great Independence Day holiday with friends, family, fireworks and grilled burgers and frankfurters, along with your favorite side libations!  I…was blessed by The Creator, St. Jude, and Hope, The Guardian Angel to have had a good time with loyal friends at their annual nearby shindig.

Did the Tuesday holiday throw your week off like it did mine?  No worries and not complaining, it’s fun for the mind to have to swerve in-time sometimes!

I must transpose much I have upon my phone for this post, as often, the laptop is not handy as I drive, thrive and dictate, not to negate the moments when mental inspirational wordcasts arrive.

Uh-oh, time for my allergy tablets!!

I polished my hardwood floors upon hands and knees.  It’s cool!  It is exercise against gravity’s kneading upon my back and neck like the cop did to George Floyd – yet not as immediately fatal, thank Goodness!  With more cycling regularly, this soon passes.

Money adequacy is the hidden boogie man that I the “we” which shall over come shortly and if only briefly – but I hope better than that – soon!

My beloved Ukraine is still under siege, but I had much hope when I learned of the attempted coup upon paranoid Putin recently, even though it failed.  His diminutive ass is now much more afraid, which answers my prayer of many years!  Downfall soon.

It is simultaneously surreal for me to think that I visited this land which was at peace, only a decade ago, in search of my beloved Inna, who disappeared, never again to reply to me.

Heey!  I finally found my Candi Staton stash of vinyl!!  Been looking for it since February, Yo.  That is, if you recall, when my “season of DE-cluttering” began, which, of course include my vinyl albums, in a major WAY.  All the moving around I’ve done in life, and even when they were stationary in Mum’s basement for a decade, did not impair  the fact that they got “tossed” within the milk Krates and now that I’ve finally “settled-down”, they are harder to find than formerly.

Look out for a new Candi inspired music mix any night now!!  I can’t wait!!  The beauty of it all is I have been successful at keeping my records clean through the years!  I think of myself as a curator on some level! LOL

Why is it that some motor vehicle “operators” cannot pause for a beat of “one-thousand-one” to observe the rule of a STOP sign?  IMO, this is a step on the road towards anarchy!

So, what happened to “energy autonomy” Mr. Al Gore?  Indeed, what happened to AL Gore??  Funny how past vice-presidents become mute after their fifteen seconds in the world spotlight is over.  One reason that, as elder he is, I love former President, Jimmy Carter, who is a great example of aging while staying relevant and memorable.

By the way, where is  my internet radio station, now that podcasting costs money I don’t have to invest? Another rhetorical slap in the face, lol And speaking of the internet, here’s a phrase that troubles me, “the English Tutor” (adult literacy and college level), “internet dating“. This is something which should be totally impossible because the two words are diametrically opposed to each other; “internet” is by design and in-practice “anonymous”, while “dating” is totally “intimate”. Therefore, one should not be fooled that the two can co-exist and become a real loving relationship between two humans. In-person meeting still rules (although more difficult to achieve in my case lol).

I’m informed that Soundcloud is an alternative for my still smitten with radio desires!  Hmmm…seems I have a “Pajama Bar” Soundcloud account which I started back in my WRVU FM, Nashville, Tennessee days; circa 2007 – 2009…Ahh, yes! Here it is!

My Idiom of July’s third Sunday:  “like a well-oiled machine”.

Almost busted here, just pa$t mid month, but feelin’ creative with many mid-summer night’s dreams regularly occurring from my “Minolta” overnight mind. SSA “retirement” does not last the whole month. Gotta keep my side-hustles forever, it seems…

Country Negro DOWN!!”, he yelled in despair…  a dialogue from a forth-coming book?  My first non-poetic story (with poetic interludes)? It also has a Roitwaller character in it and an interracial married couple thus far…Maybe that will be the title…unless one of you bogies steals it prior, lol Much transposing of dictation into my Android to DO.

Final “Recurring Thought”: I’ve seen too many friends and music industry acquaintances leave, and we hadn’t had “The Talk”, so…I’m looking/Googling people UP… with love.

Alwayze fascinated by submarines, this tragic outcome of the little “Titan” trying to visit The Titanic (again?) in the north Atlantic ocean reminds me of it and the fate of the USS Thresher incident back in 1963.

1963 was a tumultuous year, which to add to the angst of it, was the assassination of one of the most beloved – and favorite in my lifetime – President, John F. Kennedy, even though I was a little boy.  Also, I remember so well, and vicariously now, the 1964 – 1968 sci-fi TV show, “Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea”, whic was another favorite, not-to-be-missed.

Therefore, this week came to me strongly again, in my ultra-dream-sleep, as I kept thinking about the “rescue and recovery” drama, playing-out these past five days, hoping-against-hope that these thrill-seeking profligate explorers would be located alive.

So much so, that I dug to find my book of submarines with the 1960 photos from my youth!

All the while, sullenly saddened when thinking of those loved-ones who agreed with support, to allow their men to represent as an exploring submariner stray.

Meanwhile, Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron revealed that he received the information within 24 hours of the disappearance of the submersible that it had imploded when it lost communication with its mothership!!  WTF?

poor little untested boat and those within it.

Finally, not to ever take this lightly, I was lucky to be in an event where I briefly talked to the late Jacques Cousteau many years ago, during my on-air radio DJ interview days. He was emphatic that, basically, our oceans are nothing to keep fucking with cavalierly, and that though mysteriously attractive, must be approached with the utmost and deepest respect, lest she swallow us whole; they are responsible for our very existence!

There is something too coincidental about that part of the north Atlantic ocean off of Newfoundland. The ghosts guarding The Titanic remains keep warning mankind of the surface and especially thrill-seekers away from their soggy cemetery or enter at risk of joining them in their own doom.  When will those type of humans listen?

Short and simple:

To put it short and simply, my website was “AWOL” since I can’t remember!  It was at least the past year or so, if not more!  However, in the true “scouting tradition” I didn’t totally give up, nor let it bum me out – I just ignored those feelings – until the time came for me to dig, sniff and experiment around with the original platform once again, and lo and behold…”Viola!”  It was still hiding there, partially due to something called “Square” which apparently merged with Weebly – my original site platform  in 2007 – sometime this decade, as a monetization vehicle for “selling”.  Not sure what kind of selling, although the images are of pottery and ceramics and household stuff.  Hmmmm…

As my site and life is predominantly centered around music, media and wordcasting, the Square model did not fit – and that’s okay!  They who do other things do not traverse my online world, we do not counter-judge one another and we still exist harmoniously, and that, as the late Teena Marie sang back in 1981, is “square biz”!

Not to belabor the point, because soon I have some other current common nonsensical events to blogplain about, I’ll just ask that when you have some free time, you to check out the (slightly) new look of I.M.I.J Produckshunz (pronounced “image productions”), 2023 two-point-OH!

The home of Cheetah Media & Freelance Services (CMFS).  We are here for your needs, if our lifetime expertise allows.

Many Thanks, Be Well and best wishes in all you (legally and ethically) Do.   ~ Cheetah NJB

spencer fleury dot com

proto-thoughts, fleeting obsessions and insomnia cures from an occasionally unreliable narrator


We all go a little mad sometimes.

Off the Charts

American Journal of Nursing blog: diverse nursing voices and stories


Longreads : The best longform stories on the web


A brain is a battlefield of ideas

Billb62's Blog

Just another weblog

Voices of Ukraine

Politics, anti-government rallies, other. Maidan.


Warning: Widespread Weirdness


Just another site