Short and simple:

To put it short and simply, my website was “AWOL” since I can’t remember!  It was at least the past year or so, if not more!  However, in the true “scouting tradition” I didn’t totally give up, nor let it bum me out – I just ignored those feelings – until the time came for me to dig, sniff and experiment around with the original platform once again, and lo and behold…”Viola!”  It was still hiding there, partially due to something called “Square” which apparently merged with Weebly – my original site platform  in 2007 – sometime this decade, as a monetization vehicle for “selling”.  Not sure what kind of selling, although the images are of pottery and ceramics and household stuff.  Hmmmm…

As my site and life is predominantly centered around music, media and wordcasting, the Square model did not fit – and that’s okay!  They who do other things do not traverse my online world, we do not counter-judge one another and we still exist harmoniously, and that, as the late Teena Marie sang back in 1981, is “square biz”!

Not to belabor the point, because soon I have some other current common nonsensical events to blogplain about, I’ll just ask that when you have some free time, you to check out the (slightly) new look of I.M.I.J Produckshunz (pronounced “image productions”), 2023 two-point-OH!

The home of Cheetah Media & Freelance Services (CMFS).  We are here for your needs, if our lifetime expertise allows.

Many Thanks, Be Well and best wishes in all you (legally and ethically) Do.   ~ Cheetah NJB