Tag Archive: passport


Почти Черный русский на скалах … жизни,
Я сейчас над облаками на мой путь в никуда;
Полет под облаками на высоте 35000 футов.
Убит выезда на меня в последнюю минуту;
Так же, как мой билет подтвердил, что я узнал.
Я хотел бы перейти, из самолета!
Как она могла?

Два года инвестировали время.
Недавно она замолчала и без обновлений,
Был “Огромные разочарован”, что я не получил еще нет.
Но теперь один год с того дня я получил свой паспорт;
Мы могли бы быть установлены, чтобы жарить на берегах Днепра.
Часть меня верит, что она удивит меня,
Будьте в аэропорт, чтобы «собрать» меня.
Принятие желаемого за действительное, я знаю.

Я приезжаю в киевском аэропорту после того, как в настоящее время сонного езды;
Из Москвы SVO выше многих облаков,
Я никогда не думал, что когда-нибудь в «России»;
Это связано с встречи с моим Нины,
Если бы я была посадка betweena.
Мое видео камера готова только в случае, если я определить ее в Борисполе …

Я надеюсь на чудо и взаимных разочарований,
Стрелять некоторые случайные видео на лестнице, я не уверен,
Куда идти дальше в этом аэропорту лабиринт?
Вместо этого я пройти через “паспортный контроль” (ролл “R”),
Претензия моя тяжелые сумки багажа,
Прогуляйтесь по отношению к моей заполнения в корпусе искателя,
Что могло быть, если бы она осталась в Украине?
На данный момент, Один я остался к меланхолии задуматься ..
Я вижу признаков того, что гласит: “Нафтали”.
Она не держит его,
Это моя поездка в неизвестную землю и место для отдыха,
Без нее не так, как мы часто и снова,
Планируемые как в этот день пойдет;
Теперь похищены два полезных странные ребята.

На этот раз любовь была предложена ее первая;
Я ответил, и ни один из его была безответной.
Но я черепаха была слишком медленной, чтобы победить,
Я не знаю, что было сроку или расы!
Теперь осталось подумать, что может-быть.

Все люди, которые не «поддерживать» нашей кампании объединиться раньше,
Должны иметь более активный, чтобы помочь предотвратить этот момент;
Они не сделали и я проклинаю их,
Черт! Деньги руины все, особенно “любят”.
Нина, как ты мог?
Как вы могли бы уезжать?
Один или “одинокий”, как она мило использовал слово неправильно;
Молний за пределами моей комнаты-для-ночь,
Жесткий против янтаря Светофор Украина грома дождь падает.
Он находится в синхронизации с моим новым угрюмым настроением.
У нас обоих есть достаточно “разочарование” сейчас строить заново.

One year AGO to this DAY, she wrote:». сейчас находится в вашем кармане (паспорт) А теперь, нужно поставить вторую свободы -! деньги в другом кармане И потом, вы абсолютно, совершенно свободный человек и что теперь, что план для вас (вчера , я попросил вас об этом по Skype). Когда я буду знать дату вашего визита? буду я встречу тебя в аэропорту? WoW, сегодня мой бывший нетерпением вернулся к меня к вам. WoW скоро мы будете заниматься любовью, я не могу поверить …… И вы можете поверить? Я уже настолько привык, что вы пришли бы никогда. И я помню еще, что вы сказали мне, что мои бабочки вернется ко мне. …


“This garter she magically sent last Fall (2011) still has her scent…”

Comments encouraged if you’d like to share

THIS little ditty came to me during the first overnight hotel stop of my recent “Exodus” from Nashville, in Bristol, Virginia…after the power outage!

Nina is my friend you know,
She loves me til the end ya know;
She once said SO!
(“We can remain the friends, if you want.”)
We were already friends and that is so!

Nina was my friend you know,
She don’t like me to talk about it,
Unless I DO it!
Unless I soon come there to her in Ukraine…
Nor proudly post her photos on my website;
(She sent me over one-hundred!)
That IS so!
I’m in love with her and I feel fine!

Nina is my pink panther playmate ya know,
She Calls me a Cheetah too you know,
Yep, she “said So!”
Nina is my scherzando Honey,
In love I call her “silly bunny”
I’ll fun love her forever!
I shout it!
She’ll come back to me and we’ll be fine.

Nina is magnanimous, and I am so glad!
I dig her until the end of time,
Never say “never”, she said it so (true)!
I keep in touch with her and I’m so glad!
When you Naphtali will begin to travel, you will not stop any more. Believe me, I know!
Kiss you Cheetah

I’m in love with her and I feel fine!

The Following is submitted under the heading, “Anything Can Happen”

People are still asking, here in 2014, “What is next for the documentary story and couple known as “Cafe` Skype” ?

It should not have been this difficult for a Ukrainian, Russian-speaking, Woman and an American man who solidified the foundation of their love on the internet to overcome her Visa and his passport and financial hurdles in order to marry and live together – but it was. Can’t you just hear the deep-voiced movie trailer announcer selling this? Now that the debt is paid…when will we see a picture of these lover together?…

Naphtali finally traveled to Kiev to see Inna-Nina! However, she had accepted a temporary Nursing assignment in Rome, Italy to earn money she apparently could not earn in Zaporozhye to help her ailing mama. So they missed each-other “like ships in the night”. That added another “twist” to the plot of our story! Do you want to be the film crew to reenact this historic and long-awaited event? Please read-on! Contact us! We need help to happen! Calling all film Investors! Get your name or company listed in our Rolling credits for $100.00!

” A short documentary-film about The Timing of Life and Money vs The Timing of Love…Ukrainian beauty meets veteran NYC radio/club DJ and Author who lived in Nashville at the time, they fall in “love” and both must overcome passport, cold war-era Visa rules,immigration financing, family elder care and financial challenges to be together…” The truth and one of the main sub-plots is that my bride-to-be has sent me money to help pay a debt that allowed my passport to be granted… I repayed it back to her after two years of expectations, hoping to ease our first and only rift. “Money isn’t everything…”, my Mum once said. However, in this story, it was what we thought was the final hurdle that will help us overcome the Visa issue to help get Her to the USA.
Meanwhile, Nina had to take work as a Nurse to help her family back in Ukraine in Rome, Italy part-time in silent, losing hope for their meeting, despair…as I flew to Kiev.

Video and text from our short-falling crowd-funding campaign for our international marriage story with important messages for the U.S. and Slavic world gov’ts. you can hear one of our protagonists, Nina, speak about it from our crowd-funder on Kickstarter two years ago, here:

There are sample videotrailers for you to view! just email us at the contact address to the right sidebar on this page, and you get the links. Personal interview and social media promotional video with the happy couple for $1,000!

All too often, when you hear about a romance between an American man and a Russian lady, people don't take it seriously, laughing with a wink and a nod behind his back, diminishing it as if the guy is getting scammed, tricked or insulting it as a mere "international booty-call" or something. Yes, often some women do try to con a guy via internet scams, but Nina never asked Naphtali for one penny! In fact, she magnanimously helped Naphtali overcome a debt and that completed his first U.S passport get! Don't sell US short on intelligence, OK? This is not the case with Nina & Naphtali. Forget the negative and accentuate the POSITIVE! What is going to happen next leading to the day when she jumps right through the Skype web camera, into his waiting arms?

You can help fund the film by using the yellow “donate” button in the upper-right of the sidebar.

Back-story:Naphtali finally achieved his U.S. passport, thanks to Inna and a Brooklyn long-time friend’s financial help to overcome an unjust tax from his past. So, if you truly want to see how this interesting story comes to a happy ending, donate now! We have the backing of the Fiscal Sponsor, “From The Heart Productions”, http://www.fromtheheartproductions.com/ making it easier for you to write-off your donations come tax time! The message of this film is necessary on many levels as a wake-up call, to achieve the path to unity that the Creator assembled us, various peoples on Earth for, as well as untangle some of the U.S legal system from uneven/unjust “taxtics” by states that can override the federal government’s rules and deny passports.
Proposed length: 27 minutes; Target audience: PBS, NPR, BBC, IFC.

Call our “legal Eagle” and head of fund-raising escrow, Bruce, at the law firm (718-855-6840) with your question, donation or comment! You can use your check, money orders, cashier’s checks, bank debit card so that the goal of funding this message film moves forward. 

One of Inna’s beloved artists is Lenny Kravitz, whose father just-so-happens to be Ukrainian and his mother a Black Woman! Here is the first Kravitz video that Nina ever sent to Naphtali to express how their communications via email, you tube, postal mail, telephone and Skype made her feel “in stomach” – ‘Butterfly’.

Thanks to you who look, like, listen, think pro-actively and “outside of outside of the box”. See you at the movies or in syndication.

Nina, Naphtali, Nate, Nan, Cheetah    

The “Cafe` Skype” docu-film project production team

For Perks descriptions & more information:


How will the plot turn next? You write the conclusion and we will play it out in real life/on-screen for your $5,000 donation! There will be remixed versions!

PICKHIT: Naphtali has repaid his monetary debt to Nina and there will be happy updates into 2014, Your support will help both of our elderly Mother’s health issues. Will we just have to snag a random stranger to document the meeting at an airport? Or will your film crew be on-hand to save the moment? You have already lost two chances!

SURESHOT Urgent Update! February 28, 2013: After a great civilian protest that toppled Ukraine’s corrupt and Russian ass-kissing “President”, Putin the puppet-master orders troops to Crimea which is not all that far from where Nina lives with her elderly mother and son. What the fuck is next that will pop-up as a hurdle to our togetherness away from Ukraine? What is next?? I am so chagrined, you would not believe it – but do not show it. All help appreciated because this could become VERY bad, and then I become afraid that we might never fulfill our dream. ~ N.

World Premiere Update. It is now February, 2015 and thanks to paranoid Putin, the Russian “President” and his war by proxy, the prospects for our marriage and a happy ending to this story are grim. The frontline of the war is currently only about 225 miles from Nina’s city in southeastern Ukraine!! Help!! Unfortunately, my last crowdfunder only raised slightly over $500US and I sent her most of it for he family (aliing, elderly mother), the rest used to begin a savings account for eventual refugee status. Heaven only knows how far Putinitler’s goons will march into Ukraine now. I still prospect for any ideas to raise the major thousands of dollars to help. I pray that the United States, together with its allies going back to World War II soon send the necessary arms and assistance to help Ukraine deter any further Russian aggression. Your ideas are welcomed to help the “Cafe` Skype” story live on in the comment section of this post. Sadly…I thank you ~ N.

Thanks for Reading. We invite you to share this post. We still need your support to complete our story and this film as we rendezvoused together in London, U.K. in October of 2013!!!! What a journey…Look out for the book version to be released in early 2016. Someone will have to do better than “sorry”.

Your comments are strongly encouraged!

Very Interesting when viewed against the backdrop of our documentary film-short funding project, “Cafe` Skype”….

Amanda Howie and her fiance, Matt, wed via Skype. Matt, a soldier overseas, image, last name and location is confidential due to security reasons.

Still, there ‘ Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing, Baby’ and how are they going to “consummate” their marriage? Our “Cafe` Skype” film funding project has potential videographers, camera shooters, narrators (female and male), actors and other crew lining-up to produce this from our Craig’s List advert in June of 2011! Yes, Mon!  One of the reasons I love Inna so much is that she has great ideas, of which this is only one, that I try to groom to able to fly successfully – but only in my spare time. For us to get together, I am working tirelessly for paychecks and campaigning otherwise. Consistent effort over time = success in any endeavor.

Here is another Skype wedding WITH the vows!