This summer I’ve been waxin’ nostalgic with the waning Gibbous moon. Here my thoughts relive workin’- out musically with the finest ladies in the world. It was was a DJ’s blessing and privilege for me, back then and to this day I chronicle the experience of falling in “love” daily at “work”.

I, once a DJ there, just came across this flier, timely for this month, as I was tidying-up my guest room for an anticipated stop-by, which never materialized, stepping-out into my deck to be hit by the summer sauna which is 2023! Please don’t misunderstand, I am not complaining about the weather, I am among the “some” who like it HOT! Instead, I am celebrating my stint as a part of one of the most musically sexy situations of my life!

Ooh, where are they all now? I ask myself. Twenty-six (26) years later, I hope all of them are well and still beautiful despite the years (and maybe bearing kids, lol).

This time tunnel has seen all those years that have flown by, from when I was your DJ, spelling “Marky Mark” some nights and on my own others. CDs were just coming into their own at that time, but I still brought some vinyl as they also had two Technics turntables for us to use!

Your tips to we DJs were fantastic! During those years I earned more money than I had ever seen. Scores was big time , with big-time players coming in nightly like NBA stars Dennis Rodman and Kendall Gill. From tough guys “connected” to average “Joes” just looking for interludes with some of the world’s most beautiful ladies, Scores, in mid-town Manhattan, New York City (within the sight shadow of the Queensboro/59th Street Bridge if you just looked up from the front door), around the corner on 60th between Second and First Avenues was the jointsky place I found to meet some of the world’s finest like dancer Monica, who found me during one of my solo quiet moments aside the showroom, and said, in her uniquely cute Thailand accent, “We should get together! We could make Tiger Woods! He, hee!” If only.

Scores was called “Club A” prior to their inception; it was there, on a snowy January evening I met Charlie Wilson of GAP Band fame in 1993!

Then, after my career took me away from native New York down to south Jersey radio overnights, I learned this rouge, so-called and the worst “mayor” of my hometown, dictator wannabe, Rudolph Giuliani came along in 1993 and with him, a mis-guided attempt to make The Big Apple an amusement park, he moved Scores, and similar entertainment venues to the (at the time) rather lower west side of Manhattan island, where surely he thought that they would lose business in-exile. They didn’t, but Rudy lost “face”; Donna Hanover made a good choice by divorcing his ass, lol. Many forget that Giuliani “won” the Mayor of New York City race of that year, by inciting racial rhetoric, insinuation and division by maligning incumbent Mayor David Dinkins, especially in the stronghold of Staten Island (Richmond County), which, IMO is more a part of New Jersey, geographically, if not politically, than any of the other four boroughs of The Big Town. It was such a heady time that even a mean, pushy,, ultra right-wing (conjures the man Adolph Hitler) would-be despot man, who would have been better suited as the Principal of a boys boarding school could not even malign! Yet this post isn’t about politics and I digress.

Major props to all of us who provided the party back then and I, as DJ Jimi Bruce, pray and hope that you all are still surviving having built upon the experience of Scores and the many famous celebrities we met, memories with health, creativity and possibilities spawned by the sexy outlet we were allowed to express almost three decades ago! I leave it there, although I may return to tweak if memories return to me during sleep.